Welcome to the Wulong Mountain Tourist Area~!


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Opening Hours:09:00--17:00


  1.The ticket purchase rules are detailed in the "Ticket Purchase Notice". Each tourist has one ticket to enter the park, and one tourist holding a full price ticket is only allowed to bring one eligible free ticket holder to the park. Tickets are only valid for one entry within the validity period specified on the ticket. If you enter the park again after leaving, you need to purchase a new ticket.

  2.For your safety, we would like to remind you that some of the projects in the park are not suitable for high blood pressure, heart disease patients, pregnant women, disabled people, the elderly, and those who are clearly drunk to play; For safety reasons, some projects have restrictions on the height, weight, and waist circumference of tourists participating in the experience. Please pay special attention to the instructions and prompts of each project and follow the guidance of on-site staff.

  3.Due to the involvement of a large number of high-altitude, high-speed, dynamic and thrilling projects in the park, for safety reasons, children under 1.4 meters, elderly people over 65 years old, and people with disabilities need to be accompanied by adults with full fare tickets to enter the park. It is also required that some of the park's projects be taken care of or accompanied by adults.

  4.According to relevant safety regulations, amusement projects in the park will undergo regular daily, weekly, monthly, and annual inspections. Relevant maintenance work may cause delays in the operation of some amusement projects or suspend their opening to tourists. Please refer to the park or park notices for details.

  5.According to the regulations of the safety and technical supervision department, in case of adverse weather and other natural disasters that cannot meet the safe operation of the equipment (such as lightning, sandstorms, rain and snow, hail, heavy fog, etc.), the equipment and performances in the park will be closed or partially closed, and the park does not need to inform in advance. The park does not bear any responsibility for ticket refunds or other compensation or compensation.

  6.If tourists encounter equipment malfunctions during the project, please do not panic and leave the site in an orderly manner according to the guidance of the staff.

  7.Tourists participating in amusement projects must follow the guidance of on-site staff and ride according to the equipment requirements; Receive safety device inspection, those who violate the requirements will be refused to ride.

  8.Please take good care of your belongings and do not place valuable items outside of your line of sight or on strollers and storage cabinets. For large luggage, boxes, small carts, trailers, and other items, please go to the storage room to complete the storage procedures.

  9.The following behaviors are prohibited in the park: carrying dangerous goods into the park, selling or displaying items, distributing flyers, holding gatherings and speeches, fighting, photography and photography for commercial purposes, and all other behaviors that hinder the operation of the park and its related facilities.

  10.The park and related companies shall not be responsible for accidents caused by tourists violating relevant safety regulations of the park or due to their own negligence or negligence.

  11.Tourists who purchase tickets are deemed to recognize the contents of this "Tourist Notice" and "Ticket Purchase Notice". If you have any questions, please consult our staff.

  12.The park does not promise the number of tourist attractions, and some tourists may not be able to experience all the attractions within one day. For those attractions that cannot be visited by tourists, the park will not refund tickets or assume any other compensation or compensation responsibilities.

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