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The 2023“Wu Long Shan” Cup finals of the 9th Huixian Youth Singers competition has come to a succe

Wulong Mountain2023-09-08

  August 17,2023“Mount Wulong”The final of the 9th young singers competition in Huixian was held, bringing a wonderful audio-visual feast to the audience.

  After fierce competition in the preliminary and semi-finals, 12 contestants entered the final, 6 in each of the Minmei Group and the popular group. With their unique style and superb level, the contestants sang out their vigorous youth and vigor, expressed the new era of the majority of young people love the party, Love the Motherland, love home voice. The final competition decided the first prize 2, the Second Prize 4, the Third Prize 6, the excellent prize several.The contest is passed“Huixian released”Video number, Tiktok live broadcast on the network, the response of the network comments.

  In his speech, Zhang Jinchao, member of the Standing Committee of the municipal committee of the CPC and Minister of Publicity, said that literature and art are the clarions for the advancement of the times. Only when there is a clarion call can the pace of progress be full of strength and sonorous and firm, the new great age calls for new great works of literature and art. Encourage the city's young literary workers, with songs to show the city secretary of the hot scene, with loud and clear songs to expand the home popularity and influence.

  The competition fully demonstrated the youth charm of the youth of Huixian in the new era, ignited the city's young people to strive for a new journey of fighting spirit and passion, singing the theme of the new era of cultural confidence. Since the opening of the Wulongshan Cup, the young singers competition has accumulated a high degree of popularity and public participation, has gradually formed a certain degree of social influence, cultural transmission of the brand events and characteristics of the brand cultural activities.

  Dong Chuanjun, Secretary of the party group and chairman of the Xinxiang Cultural Alliance; Zhang Jinchao, Li Qingfu and Qiao Siqiang, city leaders; and Fan Shuili, chairman of the Henan Wulongshan Tourism Group, attended the competition and presented prizes to the winners.

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