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Home in Henan, more than 4.5 billion people visit the whole network, Henan to the Yellow River cultu

Wulong Mountain2023-09-13

  On September 11, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held the 2023 World River Civilization Forum (Zhengzhou, China) press conference in Beijing. During the press conference, Zhou Yaoxia, deputy director of the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that in recent years, Henan has made great efforts to promote the protection, inheritance and development of outstanding traditional culture with the Yellow River culture as the mainstream, and has achieved positive results.

  New Concept: the cultural and tourism integration rate of the province is more than 80%

  Focus on inheritance and innovation to establish new ideas. Henan provincial party committee and provincial government put forward to carry out the integration strategy of literature, travel and literature, and put it into the“Ten strategies”. The first National Plan for the Integrated Development of cultural and tourism was formulated, and the embryonic forms of the ecological corridor along the Yellow River, the corridor of the great ruins of cultural exploration and the No. 1 tourist highway were formed. To explore ways of creativity-driven, aesthetics-led, artistic lighting, technological empowerment and cross-boundary integration, and to promote Luoyang's experience of subversive creativity, immersive experience, mobile communication and youth-oriented consumption, the integration of culture and tourism has entered the fast track. The integration rate of culture and tourism in the whole province exceeds 80% , and the diversion rate and contribution rate of new forms of culture and tourism exceed 60% , silver Base International Tourist Resort, only Henan, Qingming Riverside Park, construction industry film town and other scenic spots summer turnover reached 100 million to 400 million.

  58 new spaces for immersive experience of smart tourism have been built in the whole province

  Focus on the consumer scene to launch new formats. Constantly meet the needs of the people for Culture and tourism, focusing on the individual needs of young tourists, supply-side reform, strengthening the industrial chain. To create new spaces for immersive experience in cities, 58 new spaces for immersive experience in smart tourism have been built in the province, and more than 40 immersive playbooks have been serialized in Luoyang, dahehui, Luoyi ancient city and Luoyang city became the tourist hotspots of immersive experience, with an average of 12 million visitors per month during the summer vacation, especially more than 50% of the tourists from other provinces. To create a new space for performing arts, our major scenic spots, such as Tokyo Menghua, Zen Shaolin, Yellow Emperor long-lasting love, the Tang Palace banquet, etc. , will be held from January to August, more than 4,600 performances of various kinds will be held in the province, the Yuntai Mountain Festival receives 100,000 visitors in two days, with 54 percent coming from outside the province. To create new space for cultural museums, the province has launched nine tourist routes and six cultural relics trails, and created 100 new scenes for cultural tourism consumption and 50 leisure and sightseeing parks, more than 390 museums and 220 cities offer time-delayed service in their study rooms. Cities around the world have launched a hundred city gourmet food season. Kaifeng's drum tower night market has launched a summer tour, and Henan Museum Cultural and creative products, archaeological blind boxes, are selling well online.

  [ new communication ] home in Henan, the total number of online visits to more than 4.5 billion

  Focus on brand building to accelerate new communication. Around shaping the “Walk Henan read China” brand system, and continue to enhance the influence of the Yellow River culture, the spread of Central Plain culture. Build an all-media matrix. Unblock the mainstream media communication channels, integrate the network of new media platforms, build a complementary advantage, a call-to-all propaganda matrix, the joint Henan Satellite TV to create a series of Wonderful Holiday Tour program frequent circle. Build a full-coverage platform. It has held the international tourism city mayors' Forum, the ancestor worship ceremony at Yellow Emperor's hometown, the Yellow River cultural tourism festival, the Peony Cultural Festival and the Ching Ming Festival, continue to expand the home of Henan, the world's Yellow River, China's ancient capital and the spread of four major Chinese kungfu culture IP influence. To promote all-dimensional communication. New ways of communication, such as mobile, interactive and so on, will be used to innovate the modern expression of traditional culture and promote the transformation of“Traffic” into“Retention” and“Internet celebrities” into“Long-term celebrities”, home in Henan province, more than 4.5 billion people visit the internet. From January to August this year, the province received 690 million tourists, tourism revenue of 653.6 billion yuan. (reporter: Shenhua, Wang Yixiao)

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